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Choosing the Best Facebook Advert Strategy
22 Dec 2020, 13:37
So many people are scared to use Facebook Adverts because they get stumped at the first hurdle when you click the Create Ad button which is ‘Choose a Goal’ – hmmm.
In this latest share, we give you a few insights and tips on how to choose the right Facebook Advert strategy or goal for your business page.
Promote Your Page = Page Likes
Until you have a decent number of Followers in your target audience ie. Over 1,000, then this is the goal for you! First you need to check your Insights and then click on the People option to check the age group and location of your current Followers. If you have well over 1,000 followers in your target age group(s) and location then you are good to go with another goal option. If you haven’t yet reached this goal then keep seeking those Page Likes!
You can use any content at all for Page Likes, we recommend video as the most engaging content that will likely get you the best visibility, results and comments. Don’t do the old-fashioned way of promoting your brand. Instead use content that is informative, interesting or entertaining – the golden rules of online marketing.
This type of advert features a LIKE button at the bottom of the advert.
Get More Website Visitors or Purchases = Website Traffic
This is the ideal goal if your Facebook page is primarily just a bounce point for getting people to your website or you are running a promotion or some other activity where the deal/booking/purchase can be completed on your website.
Use this goal if you are not that bothered with growing a following on Facebook and primarily just want people to come to your website. Again, follow the golden rules of online marketing and use video over and above photos or slideshows if you can.
This type of advert features a website link button at the bottom of the advert which you can choose to name as LEARN MORE, SHOP NOW, etc.
Boost a Post (Facebook and/or Instagram) = Post Comments
Use this if you have a particular post that you want more people to see or comment on. Normally only 5% or less of people will see you post on Facebook so this is a great strategy if you already have a large following plus want your post to be seen by people outside your own followers.
If people Like your post then you can invite them to Like the page but you are better to use the Promote Your Page goal if you are also wanting page likes. You can use a post for a Page Likes campaign.
This type of advert doesn’t normally have a button at the bottom of the advert because the goal is to get people to comment.
Boost Event = Ticket Sales
This is the best way to promote your Facebook Event as it will get seen more and get more results than any of the above strategies. There are two goal options for this advert type – Sell tickets or Increase awareness. We find the Sell Tickets option always works the best for getting results and bookings.
This type of advert features a BOOK NOW button at the bottom of the advert.
Get More Leads, Get More Messages, Get More Calls = Direct Messages
These can be another option for a specific offer or promotion but New Zealander customers don’t tend to like engaging with this advert type as much. You are better to use one of the other options above first.
This type of advert features a SEND MESSAGE button or CONTACT FORM at the bottom of the advert.
Where to From Here?
Contact us if you need help with figuring out your Facebook Advert strategy or would like training on setting up and running your Facebook Advert campaigns. We also run Facebook Adverts for many of our clients as part of their monthly social media programme.
![Choosing the Best Facebook Advert Strategy1_Lit Marketing & Social Media Tauranga.png](
In this latest share, we give you a few insights and tips on how to choose the right Facebook Advert strategy or goal for your business page.